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Bullying Prevention for Schools - A Step-by-Step Guide to implementing a Successful Anti-bullying program
Allan L. Beane PHD
Step-by-Step Guide, Example Anti-Bullying Policy, Handouts and Fact Sheets,
Policy Makers, Teachers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
Published in 2009, in the United States, this book does what the title suggests, by providing a comprehensive Step by Step Guide and action plan on how to implement the author's 'Bully Free Program', to prevent bullying in individual schools or throughout the whole district.
The book is divided into the 19 different 'Steps' of the program rather than chapters and also provides many reproducible documents and forms such as surveys, statement sheets, fact sheets etc.
The steps cover all of the necessary areas e.g.
1) Implementation training for school personnel and volunteers
and awareness sessions for students, parents, and the
2) How to establish policies, rules, behavioral expectations,
discipline rubrics, and response plans
3) How to prepare intervention and prevention strategies
4) How to develop a plan to actively include, involve, and
empower students, parents, and the community
After detailng the various steps, the book has a number of Appendices:
Appendix A has a description of the 'Bully Free Programme', (including a handout on the 30 main elements - page 169-174).
Appendix B has 10 fact sheets e.g. How are girls and boys different in their bullying; Are there different types of victims; Possible warning signs of victims;
Appendix C has a number of 'Bully Free Survey' instruments with surveys for all ages of children, schol personnel, and parents
Appendix D has an example Anti-bullying policy
Appendix E has three 'Bully Free Discipline Rubrics' for the three main types of schools, Elementary, Middle and High school
Appendix F has a number of response plan forms e.g. statement sheets for vitims, witnesses etc as well as an Intervention questionnaire and Intervention plan.
Finally the book has a comprehensive bibliography and index.
The book is a very detailed and comprehensive anti-bullying program.
Although the author suggests that his anti-bullying program should be implemented throughout the school district (and we do agree that there is merit in having a consistent anti-bullying system across schools in the same region e.g. reducing the time needed for student and staff training as teachers and students move schools) it can also be implemented in individual schools and for a school just starting to deal with a bullying problem, this is a 'one stop shop'.
The whole book is a practical action plan which requires the collaboration of parents, school personnel, volunteers, students and key community representatives. The 19 'steps' are explained in full detail, right from how to select the school's 'Bully Free Program Team' and their desirable charcteristics right through to 'How to Celebrate Success and Plan for Next Year'. Each 'Step' finishes with it's own useful 'checklist of actions' covering everything needed to implement the program, and we feel these will be helpful for anyone implementing the program.
We also liked the fact sheets and the other material in the Appendices.
Overall this book contains all the information needed to implement the program with resources and materials which can be used independently or with other anti-bullying activities.
Finally we also recommend the 'Bully Free Program' web site where lots of additional information is available, including free resources.
Wilsthorpe Community School
I Am Not Scared Project
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