"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Relationship between the suicidal attempts of adolescent girls and risk factors in the family
Darius Leskauskas
MEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr. 4
adolescent girls, suicidal attempts, risk factors in the family, clinical depression
Parents, Researchers, Young People.
1 - 20 pages
The same factors in the family are described as risk factors for the suicidal behavior of adolescents by some authors and as risk factors for the development of depression by others. The goal of the study is to learn, if incomplete family, parental alcohol abuse, mentally ill member of the family, suicidal behavior in the family, sexual, physical or emotional abuse experienced in the family are directly related with the suicidal attempts of adolescent girls or relates to it just by causing depression. The results of the study suggest that 57.4% of the female adolescent suicide attempters and 9.3% of their non-suicidal peers in the comparison group were diagnosed clinical depression. Incomplete family, parental alcohol abuse, suicidal behavior in the family, sexual, physical or emotional abuse experienced in the family were statistically more frequent among the depressed and not depressed suicide attempters than among their non-suicidal peers. This allows the conclusion, that these risk factors in the family have a relationship with the suicide attempts of adolescent girls independently from clinical depression and require attention of the specialists, involved in the treatment and prevention of adolescents suicidal behavior.
Partial family, parents alcohol abuse, suicidal behavior of a family member, suffered abuse or violence have a relation with teenage girls suicide attempts regardless of clinical depression.
These problems are met also when dealing with cases of bullying, so the attention should be focused on the cause of the problem (an unsafe environment in the family), but not to the effects of actions that are made by a child who is suffering from psychological problems (bullying / bullying others).
While planning of secondary prevention of juvenile suicidal behavior, there is a need to develop programs for children and adolescents living in dysfunctional families with alcohol abuse and etc.
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Kaunas University of Technology
I Am Not Scared Project
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