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Violența în școli, greu de stopat
Roxana Neagu, Sinziana Filimon
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In the schools from Bacău county, 7 out of 10 pupils are afraid of their colleagues. Moreover, the altercations and beatings determine most of the pupils to go with fear at classes. In the first 10 months of 2010, in or in the surrounding areas of schools, there were reported 49 incidents of violence. Most of them took place in the urban area of the county, more than 75%. In order to address and to prevent the biggest issues that schools and high schools in Romania are facing, juvenile delinquency and school absenteeism, the Bacău policy force coordinated, in an integrated system, 447 actions and 1090 inspections amongst the economical entities neighboring schools. As a result of these activities 668 truant pupils were identified. In the same time, the shopkeepers from the nearby inns were sanctioned because they were selling alcoholic drinks and cigarettes to pupils. The most recent study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) portrays Romanian schools as holding the second place in the survey regarding the perception of violence; the study was conducted for 37 countries. In the final part of the article an example is presented to us: the case of Alexandru D who was involved in a big scandal in November 2010.
The present article presents in very clear manner the actual situation in Bacău county, of the year 2010. Along with the authors’ commentaries, the article makes reference to the World Health Organizations report and also statistic data provided by the police. In order to sustain their affirmations, the police representatives present actual statistic data to show the spread which violence in schools has reached. A plus of reality is offered by the practical example brought into the discussion, the one of Alexandru D., pupil in the XII grade of the National College „Gh. Vrânceanu”. This particular situation is self-evident for the phenomenon of violence in schools. Additionally, in the final part of the article we can find enclosed the opinion of Lucica Dandu, psychologist, special education inspector and psychological and pedagogical adviser, regarding the causes that lead to the manifestation of such violent behavior. Amongst the causes we can find the parents’ attitude and the lack of involvement from teachers.
The value of this article is given by the statistical data provided by the police and the professional opinion of Lucica Dandu regarding the causes that lead to the manifestation of violent behavior in Romanian schools.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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