"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Peer victimization in multicultural schools in Spain and England.
Cl. P. Monks, R. Ortega-Ruiz y A. J. RodrÃguez-Hidalgo
The European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 5 (4), 507-535, 2008.
victimization, multicultural, aggression, schools, England, Spain
1 - 20 pages
In this research we surveyed students from different cultures in Britain and Spain, about their perceptions and experiences of the seven types of victimization. The results showed that cultural minority students were more likely to experience victimization than students belonging to the majority culture. These authors suggest the need to address the issue of cultural background victimization in schools.
This article focuses first of all by highlighting the lack of studies that relate social exclusion or aggression with ethnic, cultural or racial victim. And secondly, carry out a resarch with students from two very different countries such as England and Spain. Most of the students perceived themselves as cultural victims feeling "different" from the rest.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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