"I Am Not Scared" Project
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They wanted to kill my soul
Cappelletti M.
Argo Editore
Autobiography – victim – relationship – school - upbringing process
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This is a revelation of one of the worst phenomenon that is spreading in places attended by adolescents, such as sports associations and schools, etc.. Abuse, physical and psychological violence happen every day both in Northern and in Southern Italian regions. Every social class is involved.
Who suffers bullying, becomes isolated and misunderstood. They often speak to nobody, they are subjected to silence and think about committing suicide. Marco Cappelletti, a vicim of bullying at the age of 14, after a long period of humiliations, misuderstanding, silence and after being blamed by teachers, after thinking of committing suicide and after a long period of therapy, decides to speak about his problems in his website.
"They wanted to kill my soul" makes people think about problems and raises questions. Each word and each sentence go past prejudices and reach the heart and intelligence and lead us out of our poor and tiny stereotypes and hypocrisies. We are asked to put connivance aside and to act as supporters and educators. It is an important tool for those who want to foster upbringing and focuses on dialogue and sharing moments, starting from a terrible personal experience.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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