"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Students’ emotional and behavioural problems
Di Pietro M.
Edizioni Carlo Amore
Behaviour – discomfort – feeling at ease at school – self-esteem - counselling
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors, .
Over 100 pages
The first chapter starts with the description of the main behavioural problems in children and adolescents, making reference to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the most widespread international diagnostic system. In the second chapter we face the problem of self-esteem and an intervention programme for its development is described. The third chapter contains a description of the main techniques related to the behavioural approach and explains some procedures that can be applied at school. The book stresses the importance of those strategies that aim at modifying the students’ behaviour, paying attention to the points of strength and to the personal resources trying to reduce as much as possible the use of punishment. The fourth chapter faces the problem of the classroom management, focusing on the need to develop communication between students and teachers. The fifth chapter points out the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The sixth chapter takes into consideration the problem of aggressiveness at school, above all those attitudes of abuse and arrogance that are considered “bullying actions”. Some effective procedures applied in the United Kingdom are stated, where particular attention has been given to this phenomenon for some years. Finally the seventh and last chapter focuses on the anxious behaviour of children and adolescents and some guidelines for school counselling that refer to rational emotive behaviour therapy are given.
It is proved that in schools the presence of children and teenagers with behavioural problems is an increasing trend. On the causes of this increase we can find conflicting views. There are people who blame the failure of traditional values or those who blame the social-economical change that has been developing since the last 50 years. Probably there are several factors that have determined the increasing number of students with problems. The paradox is that even if most of the students live in a wealthier condition and even if schools have become much “easier” and more tolerant, we are witness of the growth of unhappiness, discomfort and emotional uneasiness in students.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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