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La calitatea educației codași, dar la violența în școli fruntași
Mirela Dalais
Aggression, violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In this article, Mirela Dalais, points out that Romania is constantly positioning itself in the bottom of international hierarchies when it comes to the quality of the education system, but when it comes to the chapter of violence in schools it holds the first places (reference to the study conducted by the World Health Organization). Studies conducted at a national level reveal the fact that more than 70% of the Romanian pupils are afraid of the violent behavior of their colleagues. A poll organized by the Police underlines the fact that violence is perceived as a permanent issue by 54% of the pupils. Additionally, the National Institute of Criminology shows that 60,34% of the minors that ended up in court rooms were pupils at the time the felony was committed.
In this article there are some important aspects related to violence in schools that are highlighted: verbal aggression is the most common form of aggression found in schools, school (from the point of view of pupils, parents and teachers) it is considered a safe environment for less than half of them, aggression behavior is learnt from the streets and from the media – this can be translated into the fact that aggression in schools has its explanations elsewhere, the measures implemented to improve safety in schools are unknown and inefficient, teachers are responsible for their pupils behavior and in the last part the author promotes games as an antidote against violence.
The present article depicts the existing contrast present in the Romanian educational system. This contrast refers to the fact that from the performance point of view Romania doesn’t do very well, but if we look from the perspective of violence in schools, then Romania occupies the first places. The article is very well structured and depicts every detail related to the phenomenon of violence in schools. In the content of the article are brought to the attention of the readers different studies developed at a national level and an international one alike. Different experts present their opinions, like Robert Florea, the coordinator of the Municipal Center of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance of Bucharest. Alongside these, there are numerous opinions from the UN cited as well. In the final part of the article we find a whole paragraph dedicated to possible activities that can be used to diminish or even eradicate the phenomenon of violence in schools.
03 La calitatea educației codași, dar la violența în școli fruntași.pdf
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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