"I Am Not Scared" Project
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A performance about bullying created in association with local sanitary association and the family service in Milan
Cavalli V.,Intropido C.
performance – cheerful friendship - tragic brutalization – harassment - local sanitary office and family service
report on a performance
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
“I do not care!” is a story that tells about the friendship of two guys who have known each other since childhood: the tale reveals a relationship which becomes oppression of one to the other. Biglia, this is the nickname of the weaker, realizes the changes in the friend’s behaviour, misled by bad mates, but he does not want and cannot break the bond that unites them, accepting bullying and harassment. At the same time the other proceeds inexorably towards a tragic brutalization process which will not make him recognize the new border between licit and illicit. The friendship that initially was characterized by cheerfulness turns into an endless domination: the words are as heavy as stones and everything seems to precipitate. But at some point, Biglia, the victim, finds the courage to say no, to rebel, breaking the silence and hindering the misdeeds of his persecutor.
The Theatre Group Grock, after dealing with the themes of anorexia and diversity in their performances for schools, youth centers, in the theatres of the city and the province of Milan, devotes himself to the social phenomenon of bullying. With the collaboration of public associations, the Theatre Group follows the analysis and study of the deeds of bullies that have been filling the pages of newspapers for many years and that were kept quiet and understated, almost in support of the thesis that considers bullying a normal stage of growth, a necessary stage towards adulthood. It is some years since we became aware of the damage that bullying acts may cause both to the victims that may suffer from mental and physical disorders, and to the bullies, whose indifference may let them become criminals. In addition to the main characters, victims and bullies, the negative effects may affect the environment and people in general, parents, educators, teachers, classmates who do not often recognize the danger of the phenomenon and indeed in silence they accept it.
The performance "I do not care!" was awarded best show and best Acting at the National Festival of Theater of the Youth “Premio Ribalta” 2007 in Rome. The goal was the creation of a clear, direct, without easy rhetoric, moralism and television clichés. The current language is sober, inspired by the slang used by teenagers; the music, whose motives are listened to the younger generations, is an original composition, a sort of creation elaborated according to the actions and words of the characters. With these features the educational function seems to be essential and it can be found both in the show and in teaching: the school is an important meeting point for people who want to get in contact with the theatre, as actors or public, in a livelier and more stimulating way.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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