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Lideri mondiali la violenta scolara
Ioana Georgescu
Romania Libera
School violence
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
This article probes the same theme as many other articles, namely the survey that shows that 70% of Romanian children go to school with fear because of violence in schools.
Romania is the first among 37 countries in the world on the number of teachers who reported acts of violence by pupils during classes.
In Romania 70% of young people are afraid to go to school because of acts of hooliganism.
Besides highlighting the problems increasingly present in the Romanian educational system, this article also brings forth a possible solution to this problem.
The solution, for reducing the number of violence cases, would be represented by the binding of schools to have a psychologist or even a medic. Psychiatrists say that the main problem is the lack of communication.
31 Un studiu al Organizatiei Mondiale a Sanatatii dezvaluie.pdf
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
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