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De ce apare violenta in scoala?
Echipa Intuitext
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
Throughout this article the author is trying to find the cause that leads to violence in schools. The cause of violent behavior is found primarily in the environments where the child spends the most time: family and society. Alongside these, some causes can be found at the biological level too.
The article ends with some practical tips that parents can use to protect their children from the outcomes of violence.
The school is the place where teaching and learning is done, but it is also the place where values, attitudes and behaviors are formed. The first complex social relationships are formed here; the first models of behavior and conduct are learnt from teachers and classmates.
The development of emotional, behavioral, social and moral norms and values is influenced and shaped by experiences that children acquire in this space over the years.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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