"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Importanța inteligenței emoționale în combaterea violenței școlare
Sorin Mihai Roman
Emotional intelligence, school violence
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
Given the implications of being aware of emotional intelligence, the author argues that the best weapon to fight school violence is awareness. Children who are aware of the warning signs of school violence are assumed to be more likely to react in a way which not only will benefit them but also other pupils too.
One of the first things that a child should know is that violence is never an option.
The author argues in this article on the benefits of knowledge and application of emotional intelligence.
The article is very well grounded from a scientific point of view and it probes an aspect of school violence that has not been explored before. The implications are quite obvious and important, thus we need to expect for this subject to be further treated in the future.
The conclusion of this article is that schools can have security companies hired, but this is not enough because the real safety comes from education and from a reinforced culture of safety.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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