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Violenta in scoala
Mihaela-Theodora Popescu
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
In Romania, the most common form of school violence is verbal violence. This fact is not perceived in the same way by students and teachers, some giving it too much importance and some too little. Violence among pupils has been amplified very much.
The specific literature associates violent behavior with the outskirts of cities, where poverty and promiscuity are not new.
Predisposing factors are considered to be: family background, social environment and personality factors related to each individual.
This article emphasizes the fact that the teacher alone can’t solve this problem, especially if the origin of such violent behavior is a mental illness. Most of the times it is necessary for a whole team to participate; team composed out of parents, school physician, psychologist and not least the tutor.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
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