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Violența în școli, negată de factorii responsabili
Laura Petruț
Monitorul Neamț
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Teachers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
According to school reports collected from the institutions in Neamț, there are 529 pupils with diverse problems, ranging from aggressive behavior, alcohol or tobacco use and leading to drug use, theft or even murder. The majority of these pupils come from the urban area, 70% of those counted. However, a study conducted in Neamț by the authorities highlights the fact that violence in school is not seen as a major problem, and this phenomenon has only recently gained momentum due to amplification by the media.
This small article highlights the gap between reality and official views on the issue of violence in schools.
Although there are many cases of violence, authorities blame the media and ignore the true causes of this phenomenon that is both damaging and present in the schools in Romania.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
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