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Crozza and son against bullying in a short film
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short film - counselling centre for families - charity - father/son relationship - just a joke
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The film is adapted from a story that won the competition held by the counselling centre for families in Busto Arsizio that celebrates 35 years. The short film was realized in collaboration with BA film commission and Icma and was presented on April 3, at the teatro Manzoni. "Just a joke» is the title of the short film that was created in Olgiate Olona. Starring Maurizio Crozza, in the role of the father, and his son Giovanni Crozza Signoris in the role of his bully son. The film deals with the story told by Antonio Amore, who won the selection of the competition "Premio Paganini” organized by counselling centre for families in Busto Arsizio that celebrates 35 years. The screenplay was created by Francesco Pasqua while the direction was given to Max Croci. The film was set in Busto Arsizio within the Shechem community in Olgiate Olona and inside the liceo artistico Candiani. On the set Maurizio Crozza was also present, a well known comedian on a national scale for its satire.Crozza did not want to be interviewed, but confirmed the charity purpose of his initiative: "we are all here to work for free for this beautiful project - said the actor - including my son '-concluded kidding. Giovanni Crozza Signoris has already had experiences with his father to Live transmission in which he played the role of a child with all vices and adults’ ambitions.
This time the son plays the role of the bully boy while Maurizio is the parent who wishes his son became aware that a person may acquire credibility not with the abuse on others. The Busto Arsizio Film Commission, students of the Institute Antonini together with Movie and Arts collaborated in the project. The short film was presented during the Busto Arsizio Film Festival on the evening of April 3, in the context of the evening titled "parents and teens: towards a possible well-being" at the teatro Manzoni, via Calatafimi in Busto Arsizio. On the same night Valerio Mastandrea that introduced the movie by Paolo Virzi "La prima cosa bella", was also present on stage.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
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