"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Agreement for the Bullying inter-institutional group for the implementation of joint actions aimed at preventing risky behaviour and combating bullying
Local sanitary centre "VC" S.C. Psychology
Lower secondary schools in Arborio, Vercelli and Asigliano
Police station in Vercelli
Diocesan Youth Pastoral
Police station in Vercelli – Minor Office
Christian private schools in Vercelli
The soci
Agreement for the Bullying inter-institutional group - joint actions- purpose - operational practice - prevention
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
1. to offer partners a scientific and technical support to implement forms of prevention and intervention of at-risk attitudes and bullying phenomena;
2. to make partners use profitably the available resources, according to joint work plans that correspond to the objectives of prevention and contrast to bullying, in accordance with their respective jurisdictions;
3. to turn the objectives and purposes of this agreement into tangible actions on the territory.
4. to encourage inter-institutional cooperation and the participation of more parties
5. to spread the best experience carried out on regional, national territory in order to enhance the dialogue.
6. to raise public awareness to the diffusion of a culture of cooperation as alternative to aggressiveness
7. to check within 6 months from the beginning of school year 2008/2009, the possibility to establish a technical working group that operates on the prevention of discomfort and uneasiness.
Operational practices:
a. the creation of a sheet to report cases that will be distributed to the schools involved in experimentation;
b. the enrolment of a contact teacher for any discomfort for each leading school with the task to link the working group and the school itself and the aim to spread the information received, to participate actively in accordance with the timetable of meetings of the Working Group, to support the colleagues in the fill-in activity of the report, to collect the reports of the Institute.
c. the fill-in activity of individual sheets of report cases by any teacher who comes into contact with situations of discomfort and in collaboration with the contact teacher of the own school;
d. the Working Group collects and analyses reports from schools and operates according to the defined objectives.
The Working Group activity lasts six months from the beginning of the school year and meets regularly, once a month for about two hours.
Provided that each school must take into account the commitment and responsibility of each student's learning process and lead them towards the rules of transparency, participation and respect for individuals, the project aims to develop in each component of the working group - from the headteacher to administrative staff, from the teachers to students and their families - the sense of belonging to a rapidly changing community. All citizens and in particular young people are supposed to have listening and intervention skills, in accordance with the principle of common freedom on a local, national and international scale, in order to establish a profitable relationship and the knowledge of solidarity and of cultural and social practices. These organizations are going to intensify the action already undertaken using educational and training opportunities that can arise from the cooperation of the partners to prevent bullying, crimes.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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