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Tineri violenți, categorii violente de școlari sau școli violente? Studiu multinivel al fenomenelor de victimizare la adolescenții școlari
Adrian Hatos
This study is the result of an inquiry financed by CNCSIS through the grant A192/2006
Violent teenagers, violence in schools
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The article investigates first the forms and incidence of victimization in a random selection of 2000 upper secondary students from Oradea, Romania. Using the same selection of students the second part of the study is concerned with revealing the cause of bullying through multilevel regression. Although they cover only 4% of the variation of bullying, school level factors seem to have significant impact.
The article presents two main conclusions. It underlines the fact that the social status of the students involved, (evaluated according to the level of education in the student's fathers) has a significant effect on the involvement of students in aggressive behaviour. Though often, in fact, it is not students with lower social status who are perpetrators of aggressive behaviour, quite the opposite. Second of all, although in terms of absolute figures the characteristics of individual schools do not directly account for the perpetuation of bullying behaviour, such a proposition goes some way to explaining the persistence of bullying behaviour. The limited influence of schools can be explained by the overwhelming importance of individual characteristics such as gender and social status.
There is one conclusion that can be drawn from this article at the political level: bullying behavior is directly associated with school dissatisfaction and can be, at least partially, a symptom for future truancy and early school leavers.
This article represents the research efforts of Adrian Hatos in the field of school violence. This paper is fairly unique in that it uses a statistical model in order to draw clear conclusions. The analysis in this study is realized on a subset of 1970 pupils from 9th – 12th grade, randomly selected from high schools in Oradea. The inquiry took place from December 2006 until January 2007, on a randomly selected students from all of the schools in Oradea excluding schools that teach arts and craftsmanship.
Due to the fact that these results are backed up by the statistical regression model Hatos has developed, they are more realistic and have a higher degree of accuracy and practical application.
06 Studiu multinivel al fenomenelor de victimizare la adolescenții școlari.pdf
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
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