"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Teacher training in response to school violence. The proposed model anti-school violence sevilla (SAVE).
R. Del Rey y R. Ortega.
Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado 41, 59-71, 2001.
Prevention, violence at school, teacher training, evaluation.
1 - 20 pages
Psychopedagogical Research team at the University of Seville, has been working on the draft Anti-Sevilla School Violence (SAVE), where proposed a model of in service training of the staff that articulates, in a concrete way, the principle of coherence between what is asked of the students and what is asked pupils and what the teachers value and think about the same matter.
In this paper, three new contributions the investigations carried out in the latest years were presented. The first, a brief description of the basic elements of the educational model to prevent school violence carried out in SAVE: education, emotions, feelings and values, working in co-operating groups, democratic coexistence, and specific programs to work with children directly involved in the bullying problems. The second contribution was the proposal of a model of teacher training at the Centre which has included in this project. Finally, we show the evaluation of projects developed by teachers of five centers of Seville, from the perceptions of 910 students about their effectiveness.
University of Seville
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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