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Combaterea violentei in scoli: Butoane de panica, camera video si patrule in scolile Sectorului 1
Mireille Astrid Popa
Realitatea Românească
Violence in schools
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The article presents, from a broader perspective, the measures that some schools from Bucharest have adopted, mainly from Sector 1, in order to prevent and stop violence in schools. According to the officials, the schools have been equipped with a panic button connected to the Police Department. The panic button should be used in one of the following situations: entering without permission in the school premises, breaking and entering, assaults on the security personnel, disturbing public order and safety, medical emergencies and fire. Additionally, the local administration has installed 71 surveillance cameras in 17 schools and high schools in order to ensure a permanent monitoring of activities. Parallel, police squads have been assigned to patrol the area near schools throughout class hours.
All these measures come as an answer to the propagation of the violence in schools phenomenon that took place in 2010. That this phenomenon has acquired alarming proportions is proven also by the case of the pupil that was stabbed to death by a teenager.
In brief, these measures target the prevention of antisocial behavior that could affect the safety and physical integrity of children and pupils alike.
This article, in just a few paragraphs, presents very well the situation and the measures that were put into place in 2010 regarding the violence in schools phenomenon. The author begins by stating the fact that violence in schools has reached alarming proportions. She gives the example of a pupil from Craiova that was stabbed to death by another teenager. Regarding the stating of facts, the authors limits to these few facts and further on she insists on the measures that were adopted in order to prevent or even stop this phenomenon.
We see, from what the authors writes, that the local authorities have intensified the surveillance measures, especially through the utilization of surveillance cameras and by involving additional police patrol cars during classes. Moreover, the authorities speak of a panic button too.
The importance of this article is best revealed by the fact that it presents actual measures that were implemented at the level of schools in Bucharest.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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