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Prevention of violence in schools: comparison between European countries and Greece
Kritikos Aloisios
School violence, prevention, bullying, ways of handling violence
21 - 100 pages
This essay researches and compares the problem of school violence in four European countries: France, Spain, Great Britain and Greece and analyses the extent and the types of violent incidents conducted by students in the above mentioned countries. It is consisted of 6 chapters, from which the first is the introduction and gives the definitions of violence and prevention, they follow the four chapters presenting the prevention methods and handling of school violence and bullying, one for each country, and last is the chapter with the conclusions.
Some of the most important conclusions of this research by country are listed bellow. In France, school violence is a serious problem for the last ten years. The public policies are mostly referred to the “danger zones”, where a need for action is apparent, compensating this way the social difficulties with the additional means of teaching, trying to solve the problem through a more close cooperation with police and social services. In Spain, there isn’t a specific action by the Government towards school violence limitation. The public policy is most focused in the quality of the education. Great Britain follows a strict suppression policy rather than a prevention policy regarding school bullying. In Greece, there isn’t also a specific policy regarding school bullying prevention.
In Greece, the researches in primary and secondary schools have shown a gender differentiation, with boys participating most in violent incidents compared to girls, in all ages. There is also a differentiation regarding age, with younger students be more violent.
The current document was chosen because it is a dissertation in the frame of the master degree “The modern criminality and its confrontation”, which is very relevant with the school bullying phenomenon.
This essay researches and compares the problem of school violence in four European countries: France, Spain, Great Britain and Greece. The choice of the specific subject is not random, in the frame of the European Union, as it is an important decision making center, from which result the most national policies. European Union has extended today its actions to issues that concern the socio-political development and everyday life of its citizens (such as quality, safety, environment, etc.). The policies that E.U. implements are often adopted by the governments of the member-states.
The current dissertation analyses the extent and the forms/ types of the violent incidents conducted by students. Such researches are very important, as they may consist of the basis for prevention policies, if no other information exists.
Moreover, the comparative study extends our knowledge about the modern world. This knowledge contributes to the better understanding of other countries problems. Apart from that, the comparative research in school bullying phenomenon give us information regarding ways of handling and can lead to cooperation and improvements due to good practices use and negative experiences acknowledgement.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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