"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Student’s code of conduct of Vilnius Simonas Daukantas elementary school
The administration of Vilnius Simonas Daukantas elementary school
Vilnius Simonas Daukantas elementary school
Bullying, school, teachers, rights,
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
Student’s code of conduct briefly and clearly defines students' rights and responsibilities. There duty is to study diligently, to attend classes, to behave disciplined and to communicate respectfully with teachers, classmates and other school community members. If students do not act as written in the code of conduct they may be subjected to disciplinary actions.
Similar student’s codes of conduct has signed nearly all Lithuanian schools, thus each student is required to sign them. This document has chosen to draw attention to the meaning of this document: each student confirms with their signature that he/she will behave with respect and will not bully others, therefore if they violate these rules may be subject to disciplinary action. Therefore, the primary responsibility for bullying lies on those participated in bullying and on parents who do not care about their children’s good behavior and life in general.
I Am Not Scared Project
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