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Child suffers humiliation. What can parents do?
Stefa Grigalevičienė
Prienai „Ažuolas“ Basic School
Bullying, school, family
Web Article
1 - 20 pages
Recently, both on television and in newspapers we too often hear about bullying, humiliation among children. There is no doubt - no parents want their child to be involved into humiliation or bullying actions. Parents want their children to be safe in or outside school. Often, it is considered that the school fails to take appropriate actions to prevent the humiliation among students or doesn’t make all they can to prevent it. Teachers, school administration, parents of bullies are acccused. It is sad, but a fact that the humiliation and bullying exists in any school all over the world. No school is protected from it. So how do your parents influence their children's behavior and what they can do to help them?
This article briefly and clearly describes the causes of bullying, which often arise from or are associated with family life. The main advice for parents is given: to praise your child when he does good work – in this way the child can develop self-confidence, self-esteem feeling. It also emphasized that the best prevention of inappropriate behavior is a good personal conduct.
I Am Not Scared Project
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