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“Study of violent behaviours in the school area from students of secondary education in the municipality of Heraklion and their relation with inter-parental violence”
Theodoropoulou B., Douma K., Chrysina K.
Technological Education Institute of Crete (Health and Social Welfare Department)
school violence, inter-parental violence, adolescents, lifestyle of young persons
Young People, Students of the Institute.
21 - 100 pages
The aim of the present study is to investigate whether and to what extent the existence of inter-parental violence in the familiar environment is related or not with the presence of violent behaviours (verbal, emotional, physical) in the society of adolescents in the school area. One more factor to study is how much adolescents’ current lifestyle contributes either to the reception or to the exercise of aggressive behaviour. The total number of questionnaires that was collected amounted to three hundred. The research was based on students of Secondary Education, at the age of 12 to 18 years. The field of the research was two urban regions, the Municipality of Heraklion in Crete and the Municipality of Bolos and a semi-urban region, the Municipality of Marathon in Attica.
The adolescents answered to structured closed type questionnaires which contained the following scales: a) the scale of “lifestyle of adolescents”, b) the scale of “inter-parental violence” c) the scale of “reception of aggressive behaviour in the school” and d) the scale of “practice of aggressive behaviour in the school”. According to the results of the present research, adolescents who experience incidents of physical violence from their mother to their father, practice aggressive behaviour in the school area. Certain other factors, which contribute to the practice of adolescents’ aggressive behaviour, are the low school records and the way of entertainment. With regard to the reception of aggressive behaviour the experience of incidents of physical violence between parents seems to play a significant role. Moreover the feeling of insecurity in the school area, the musical interests and the low school records are connected with the reception of aggressive behaviour between schoolmates.
The present study investigates the phenomenon of school violence, through multiple contexts and taking into account many parameters. Therefore, it constitutes a spherical consideration of the subject, a fact that establishes it very interesting and remarkable.
More specifically, the advantage of this study is that it takes into consideration all the agents of socialization that contribute to the configuration of children’s personality and especially the family, which has a principal role in the psycho-emotional development of a child.
As far as the structure of this dissertation is concerned, it consists of two basic parts: the theoretical and the inquiring one. The theoretical part presents and describes in detail the terms and the dimensions of school violence, of the family and the other agents of socialization, of adolescents’ current lifestyle and juvenile delinquency. The inquiring part describes the data and the method followed the statistical analysis and the results that came up.
One of the advantages of the present study is also the adoption of multiple variances taken into account in the analysis (Stepwise Linear Regression) that contributed to the deeper analysis of the findings and its greater efficiency. Another positive element is that the data come from three different regions (Crete, Volos, Attica), which contributed to the diversity of the sample, inquiring the different way of life coming from the culture of each community.
Finally, the citation of the factors emerged from the research as determiners of violent behavior, triggers the establishment of adequate programs in order to prevent violent behavior through raising awareness among young people and their family environment. Therefore, one of the targeted groups of such programs should be the family, while it would also be helpful to incorporate programs that will provide to the young people new motives for creative activities during spare time, in order to eliminate the habits that lead to violent behavior.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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