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Bullying: threatening and violence – The Greek school
Greek Schools Net
Greek Schools Net
Observer-student, Solutions, Modern way of life
Web Article
Policy Makers, Researchers.
1 - 20 pages
The attempt to define bullying states the beginning of the effort to write down the reality of school bullying in Greece. The reference to the pioneer researcher in school bullying Olweus, enriches our view on what bullying is. There follows the description of the elements, which form a victor’s soul, elements which coincide with the possible causes of his behavior. The victim is described as one person different from others, lonely, who is further isolated when victimized to the point he can be led to depression. A type of student, who is often ignored when analyzing school bullying, but is indeed a basic factor for the survival of bullying in school, is the student, who is not a bully or victim himself, prefers nevertheless to keep silent or/and support the victim. Few surveys have examined that important factor; one of those is the so called “Pythagoras”, held by the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. 4000 students participated in this research. The majority of them consisted of attendants of 5th,6th,9th and 10th grade; a minority of kids of pre-school age were participants as well, though. The mostly important findings showed that around 90% of the students have witnessed the phenomenon of school bullying and that as age increases, a decrease in the help to the victim, emotions of sympathy towards the victim and opposition to school violence is observed. Nevertheless, age is positively related to the possibility of a child to be a bully. One of the specialists in facing the phenomenon of bullying does not see a quick solution to it, neither a solution in school. The causes are probably found to the modern way of life, which brings the youth in contact with violence in the social life of adults and the inability of education to be a question of life; not one of knowledge.
A special attempt of writing down all what school bullying is about in Greece. It contributes to the relevant research and to the effort of facing the phenomenon. It is occupied by trying to define the phenomenon and build the victor’s and victim’s profile as previous researches always did, but does not stop to that point. It takes an extra step, which is the presentation of one more protagonist of school bullying, the observer-student who keeps silent or even justifies the bully’s actions. Commenting over this important for future prevention of bullying factor is not baseless, as there is recent scientific evidence supporting it. What is equally important and offered by this research, is the comments of a well-known specialized researcher in the ways of dealing with bullying. It is, thus, clearly stated that there is not a quick solution to bullying, neither one, which can be implemented in schools.
http://www.greekschools.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52:b ullying&catid=35:2011-01-04-20-47-32&Itemid=61
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