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Bullying – municipalities and ministry to combat the phenomenon
ANCI (National association of Italian municipalities)
Municipalities / Minister / family / antibullying free number / prevention
Web Article
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Not relevant
Municipalities are ready to support policies and initiatives proposed by the Ministry of education to fight against the phenomenon of school bullying ''. This is the message launched by responsible for youth policies of ANCI, Roberto Pella in reply to the request made by the at that time Minister of public education Giuseppe Fioroni. In response to the Chamber of Deputies in the Parliament, the Minister pointed out that in this fight against bullying the school institution cannot be left alone, but it needs to cooperate with 'all other educational institutions: the family, associations, companies, the media. In addition, Pella referred to the initiative of the Ministry's kids help line, established for the prevention and the fight against this phenomenon, and he stressed the importance of '' an Alliance for education among young people, schools and municipalities, an agreement that it is necessary to establish not only in critical moments but in everyday life ''. The responsible for National association of Italian municipalities also spoke about the proposal launched by the undersecretary of the Education Minister Letizia De Torre about the role of media. '' It's not fair to emphasize only the negative news, "said Pella. There are many initiatives and programs, best practices and innovative projects carried out by Ministers Giuseppe Fioroni and Giovanna Melandri which are supported by the National association of Italian municipalities. The media could advertise news items that involve everyday life and the vast majority of teenagers, not only the violent acts which unfortunately occur in our schools.
We agree with the Responsible for youth policies, because it is necessary to point out the activities and the positive projects that teenagers carry out every day. In order to work against negativity, a smile and a hint of satisfaction in their eyes is the best solution.
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
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