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School Bullying in Greece
Tsikrika Olga
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Department of Psychology
School Bullying, Diploma Essay, Greece
Part of Diploma Essay
1 - 20 pages
Studying in the department of Psychology, of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Tsikrika, entitled her diploma essay “School Bullying in Greece”. Part of it has been devoted to school bullying in Greece, particularly to the presentation of research findings regarding schools in Greece. The phenomenon appears more rarely in Greece than England, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Canada. The precision of the upper results has been doubted though, for a series of reasons, such as the non-consciousness on behalf of students of what the term ‘School Bullying” includes, a term, which has not been appearing massively in media yet, together with the feelings of guilt of students when they act as “informers” of bullying incidents to the adult researchers. The statistical data regarding gender and bullying are similar to those observed in international bibliography. The forms of school bullying appearing in Greece are similar to those appearing abroad. Nevertheless, it has been noted that confessions of victors often contradict those of victims, probably cause the victor is prepared to declare the exact size and tension of an incident and the victim is not ready to do that. The gender determines the reaction of victims after an incident occurs. Boys tend to accept and adopt bullying easier than girls. Reactions after an incident are diversified according to the gender and the role of the student as victim, victor or victor/victim. Teachers seem to rather not have concrete knowledge of bullying reality in schools according to students’ estimation. The factor of national-cultural origin appears to play a role in the victimization of students. Victims consider the different language they come from or the different language they speak as a reason of their victimization. Nevertheless, there is not findings to support this factor as an important one, despite theoretical analysis and public opinion claiming that increased violence in schools after 1990 is related to the acceptance of foreign students in Greek schools.
School bullying is often claimed to have not been paid the attention it should. Nevertheless, it has indeed been the subject of diploma essay in the recent past. Bringing up this attempt is interesting enough itself. The present essay has the form of a tribute to 3 important papers of the Greek Bibliography regarding bulling in schools. The result is a ten pages text, where what is already known is often presented in a further enlightening way. Thus, emphasis is given not only to comparison with findings of international bibliography, but to the reasons, which could possibly lead to diversity of findings, as well. It is stressed out that the results we get are related to whether we address our question to the victor or the victim. It is further brought into our attention, that a victim, a victor and a victor/victim are expected to react differently to bullying incidents. The importance the national-cultural factor might appear changes amazingly together with the angle from which we examine it.
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