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Mobbing in der Schule
Karl Gebauer
Weinheim: Beltz Verlag 2009
Bullying, Prevention, Intervention
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
In his book Karl Gebauer places special emphasis on emotional problems and biographical backgrounds of victims, perpetrators and bystanders. By presenting specific case studies the reader gains an insight into the social dynamics of the phenomenon of bullying and learns about the challenges that arise for both parents and for teaching staff. In contrast to unilateral recriminations and problem definitions, the author provides concrete bullying situations as a basis for constructive coping and action possibilities.
Karl Gebauer speaks for making bullying a subject for discussion during the training of educators and teachers in order to raise awareness of the problem and provide a basis for a successful clarification of bullying situations.
The author pays special attention to the strengthening of self-esteem as a preventive measure. In addition to findings of modern brain and attachment research in the third chapter parents find tips on how to affect the personality development of their children positively. Chapters 4 and 5 are particularly useful for teachers and other educational staff, as they found instructions on how they can be involved in bullying situations.
This book is ideal for teachers, educators, school psychologists and social workers staff. Parents who want to know more about Bullying find with this book a suitable adviser.
The former headmaster Karl Gebauer offers in his book actual case studies from the school life, describing the classification of bullying and helping parents and school staff clearly understand and assess the signals of bullying in a better way. In addition, constructive and solution-oriented approaches on how to deal with bullying cases and preventive action instructions are provided.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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