"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Gewaltprävention bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung und Praxis
Mario Gollwitzer, Jan Pfetsch, Vera Schneider, Andre Schulz, Tabea Steffke, Christiane Ulrich
Göttingen: Hogrefe Verlag 2007
Prevention programmes
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This book contains 16 individual contributions from various experts in the field of violence and bullying research, and contributions from experienced practitioners who report on specific experiences.
The first theoretical foundations and empirical evidence and explanations on violence and bullying in particular are provided. Ways of preventing and combating violence, and the empirical test in terms of their effectiveness are discussed.
Lastly, the reader gets clear information on specific intervention and prevention programs. There is also a contribution to the issue of violence through new media and cyberbullying.
Target groups of this volume are primarily teachers and practitioners who are confronted with violent and potentially violent young people in their daily work. This book is also suitable for both teachers and students of universities.
This book provides a great combination of knowledge between basic research and practical experience. A key point for the selection of this volume is in addressing the question of the effectiveness of various programs for prevention and intervention.
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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