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500.000 Mobbingfälle an Deutschlands Schulen pro Woche - Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk und Seitenstark starten bundesweite Anti-Mobbing-Aktion
Seitenstark – Arbeitsgemeinschaft vernetzter Kinderseiten
Seitenstark – Arbeitsgemeinschaft vernetzter Kinderseiten
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
1 - 20 pages
The article "500.000 Mobbingfälle an Deutschlands Schulen pro Woche - Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk und Seitenstark starten bundesweite Anti-Mobbing-Aktion" informs about a school competition from 2007, organized by the „Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk“ in cooperation with the Association of networked children's websites, known as "Seitenstark". The task of this competition is to find clever ideas against bullying. The reason for this project is the increasing number of bullying cases in German schools - the Munich Professor Mechthild Schäfer thinks of 500 000 cases per week as a realistic number. The competition is especially aimed at children and young people who can be as creative as they want to be, they could for example create films, art objects, plays or even songs on the subject. Partner of this anti-bullying action of “Seitenstark” are the “Zentrum für empirische pädagogische Forschung” (Zepf) of the University Koblenz-Landau, the AOK who supports the campaign under its initiative " Gesunde Kinder, gesunde Zukunft " as well as “Lehrer –Online” and the National Parents Council. Besides the competition, children, teachers and parents are also interviewed via Internet about bullying, more precisely, in how far they have already gained experiences, either as perpetrators or as victims. The Zepf was responsible for the development and the evaluation of the questionnaires. On the Website www.mobbing.seitenstark.de bullying experiences can be reported in various forums and victims of bullying can also get a number of listed helplines to which they can turn to in cases of bullying attacks.
We chose the article "500.000 Mobbingfälle an Deutschlands Schulen pro Woche - Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk und Seitenstark starten bundesweite Anti-Mobbing-Aktion" because it shows that the topic of bullying is taken seriously in Germany and that there are already organizations who start projects on this subject. It shows that it is important to raise awareness of this complex of problems in our society and especially in the children’s minds. The more they think of bullying and the more they have to deal with this topic, the better they can understand the situations and what it really means to be bullied. This is the only way to decrease the bullying cases at schools in longer terms.
I Am Not Scared Project
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