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Zoff in der Schule. Tipps gegen Mobbing und Gewalt
Kristin Holighaus
Beltz Verlag
Tips for pupils
Young People.
Over 100 pages
The book "Zoff in der Schule. Tipps gegen Mobbing und Gewalt " by the author Kristin Holighaus is a guide that deals with the subject of violence in school and specifically focuses on bullying and gives tips and options for action for those affected. The author deals with the questions whether aggression can always be seen as negative, why aggression exists at all and when it finally ends in violence. She also deals with the question of the causes of violence; it is discussed what forms of violence occur in school, where these forms come from, and it also involves reports of affected students. They report in detail how they experience violence and how they successfully defend themselves against violence. Then, the book addresses the phenomenon of bullying and what can be done about it, how self-confidence and courage can be trained and developed, what strategies are available in this context and where, if necessary, young people can get help. The first chapter of the book begins with a glossary of terms, it is explained what conflict, aggression and violence mean at all. Then it comes to the emergence of violence and it deals with both causes outside school and causes in school. The third chapter deals with the influence of media on the development of violence, then it is all about controversy and conflict solutions. The fifth chapter deals with bullying, it is about its origins, perpetrator and victim roles and what people can do against bullying. Furthermore, the book deals with the scope for action, the place "school"itself and what constitutes a good school and how a peaceful coexistence could be created.
We chose the book "Zoff in der Schule. Tipps gegen Mobbing und Gewalt " by the author Kristin Holighaus because it offers lots of information on the topics violence in school and bullying. The book is not only interesting for adults but it also addresses young people, especially students. By reading it, they can get useful information on the development from aggression to violent actions, they get to know what forms of violence exist in schools and they can read how their peers experienced violence and what they did to defend themselves. The book offers lots of tips and possibilities of actions so that the reader gets an overview about what can be done in cases of violence and bullying.
I Am Not Scared Project
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