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"Construction of a problem: concept, forms and characteristics”, chapter of the book "Violence in school: researches and policies in Europe
Artinopoulou Vaso
School bullying, violence
Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
This text is a part of the book “Violence in schools”. It is the 3rd chapter of the book. It refers to the concept, forms and characteristics of school violence. The use of some terms like security, violence and maltreatment is being put in the spotlight. This is an attempt to make things more clear that is based on the Utrecht convention findings.
It is reported that the phenomenon first appeared in Europe in the 90’s whereas in the US it was present since the 70’s. While in the US the major concern was external security, Europe shifted it’s focus on internal security (safety).
It is also mentioned that the phenomenon is approached spherically in Europe and things are not focused on the penalties like in the US.
The concept of safety is multidimensional and is based on the relationships between all the school environment factors.
The concept of security is focused on the rules that apply on school premises , alarm systems, rules of conduct outside school e.t.c.
The concepts of school violence, vandalism and antisocial behavior are different and this is pointed out in this document.
It is also reported that bullying is referred to the violence that occurs between students of elementary school, until 12 years of age.
This document was selected as it is a chaper of the book titled: “Violence in School: Research and politics in Europe.” More specifically it is the 3rd chapter named : Construction of a problem: concept, forms and characteristics”
There are few books concerning this issue in Greece so it was chosen for analysis.
The Utrecht convention is featured in this chapter. The basis of the theory and research on the problem were established in this convention so it is of major importance. Major conclusions on school violence, as well as definitions of the most important terms of the phenomenon are set in this chapter also. At the same time the ways to deal with the problem are compared, between the US and Europe.
In the Us the focus is on security whereas in Europe the focus is on safety.
It is also mentioned that the phenomenon is approached spherically in Europe and things are not focused on the penalties like in the US.
The concept of safety is multidimensional and is based on the relationships between all the school environment factors.
The concept of security is focused on the rules that apply on school premises , alarm systems, rules of conduct outside school e.t.c.
The concepts of school violence, vandalism and antisocial behavior are different and this is pointed out in this document also.
I Am Not Scared Project
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