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Reducerea violenței în școală – Un ghid al schimbării
Chris Gittins
Consiliul Europei
Violence in schools
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors.
Over 100 pages
This handbook is written to support the Council of Europe’s aim to help decision makers and others to implement consistent policies of awareness-rising, prevention and law enforcement to combat violence in everyday life. In particular it fulfils this Organization’s declared intention to prepare a handbook on the implementation of strategies to prevent violence at school, on the basis of the conclusions of the conference on “Local partnerships for preventing and combating violence at school”, and including a number of specific examples of good practice.
The handbook is designed to be used by all schools, primary, secondary or special. It is written for all education professionals, not only teachers and head teachers but also the growing numbers of professionals who work with schools in support of children. Indeed, it may help who wants to improve the way schools work, within their locality, to ensure that they are safe and caring communities where children can learn in an environment free of repression, intimidation and violence.
47 Reducerea violentei in scoala_un ghid al schimbarii_final_9.11.2007.pdf
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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