"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Violența în școală. Agresivitate în rândul elevilor
Daniela Chira, Marinela Predoi, Laura Purcărea, Ana-Irina Saftiu, Marian Ilie
Revista De Cercetare În Științe Ale Educației
Aggressiveness, self-esteem, termperament
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, School Directors.
1 - 20 pages
The purpose of this research is both to point out the degree of association between self-esteem and aggressiveness among the pupils, and on the other hand, to examine the relationship between temper and the aggressive behaviors of teen-agers. The following studies have therefore been applied to the subject: The Self Esteem Scale by Rosenberg, the Heymans Temperament Test and Eysenck Personality Inventory, out of which has only been selected the dial for impulsiveness.
To achieve these objectives, the following hypotheses were advanced: if self-esteem is low, then individuals often exhibit increased aggressive behavior; if the individual has observable characterstics like a nervous temperament, they will often suffer from high levels of aggressive behavior and vice-versa.
The study was based upon a class of pupils in The Agricultural High School from Timișoara. The age of subjects ranged from 15 to 17 years old.
After statistical processing of data we can observe for the first hypothesis that between the two variables there is a negative correlation. This means that the observed data supports the hypothesis first proposed, that low self-esteem is associated with increased impulsive behavior.
Statistical data supports the second hypothesis too, which refers to assessing the relationship between the type of individual temper and aggressive behavior. As is evident from the data obtained, there are certain types of temperament inclined to such behaviours, the nervous and irritable one.
In the last part of the research the authors come up with proposals and suggestions for the improvement of activity in the classroom based on the psychological studies examined.
This research aims to identify the causes of impulsive behavior in pupils in order to propose ways of reducing these aggressive behaviors.
The objectives of the project are two-fold: an exploration of the degree correlation between self-esteem and aggression among pupils and the relationship between temperament and aggressive behavior in adolescent pupils.
After examining the data collected from the test subjects, the analysis follows quantitative aspects, by applying the appropriate statistical units. This research project has considerable value amongst publications in the field because the authors use an appropriate statistical unit in order to demonstrate their statistical assertions. The work complies with all the rigors of academic research papers and therefore its results should be viewed as accurate and authoritative.
EuroEd Foundation
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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