"I Am Not Scared" Project
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“Prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior in the municipality of Varna - 2007”
Prevention, anti-social behaviour, school board, school, local authorities
National Project
Students, children with risk behavior and their parents, children with antisocial behavior, institutions and organizations in the sphere of juvenile anti-social behavior prevention in education and culture, non governmental organizations and volunteers
Municipal committee on prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior – Varna
Parents, Policy Makers, Teachers, Researchers, Young People, School Directors, non-governmental organizations .
This program envisaged: the development of effective partnerships on a regional basis between NGOs, schools and organizations in the spheres of education and culture, school committees on prevention of anti-social behavior among students and juveniles for implementation of important projects for the respective communities; stimulating initiatives at level school – region – municipality for work on prevention of asocial and anti-social behavior of youths in the municipality of Varna; activation of school boards and attracting parents as partners in the activities for violence prevention at school. More details about the program are available at varnanamladite.com.
Main priorities of the projects presented in the program bulletin are the primary and secondary preventions of anti-social behavior of juveniles, with a target group of the implemented projects is very broad.
Since here we speak of a comprehensive program of the local authorities, and its main results are the financially supported projects: “Peers teach peers for human trafficking prevention”; „To win trust”; “Social functioning of intra-venous drug addicts in Varna – law-breaking and anti-social behavior”; “Crisis intervention and prevention of auto-aggressive asocial behavior among juveniles, who have tried to commit suicide”; “In harmony with nature”; “No to violence, yes to talent”; “Secondary prevention of asocial behavior among Roma youths from Roma communities (“Maksuda” and “Asparuhovo”)”; “Stop child aggression and violence”; “Secondary prevention of violence against children in the municipality of Varna”; “Nature against aggression and violence”; Summer camp “Let’s be together” – early prevention of anti-social behavior through free time rationalization; “Everyone is a personality” – prevention of anti-social behavior; “Let’s direct our energy towards good aims”; “Prevention of anti-social behavior among siblings of children with disabilities”; “Prevention of the risk of violence and trafficking of children at pre-school age”; Primary school “Hristo Smirnenski” – the village of Topoli – “Blue zone of non-violence” (a project for prevention of aggressive behavior at school); “A do not want grey – I want beautiful!” (aesthetic management of free architectural areas in graffiti style for prevention of vandalism); “Change in course” – (Directing towards new social roles and change of attitude); “Quick qualitative evaluation of deviating behavior with children and youths”; “Young sailors” (Let’s diminish deviating behavior by upbringing young sailors).
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Detection protocol, Intervention protocol, Help-line/counseling, Parent training/meetings, Playground supervision, Disciplinary methods, Classroom management, Teacher training, Classroom rules, Whole-school anti-bullying policy, School conferences, Information for parents, Cooperative group work, Peer support, Duration for teachers (4 days or more).
The presented practice is an excellent compilation of varied activities, focused on prevention and combating anti-social behavior of children and in particular curbing aggression among children and youths. The practice through its mini-projects encompasses most of the indicators. Unfortunately the presentation of the projects fails to give information on their intensity or their duration for the children. Despite this the program of the Municipality of Varna is a demonstration of how supportive local authorities can be in the process of combating and preventing violence. pages
All youth and children focused activities can be consulted at varnanamladite.com
Evaluation of the program of the Municipality of Varna can be sought in the archives of the web-site of the municipal department “Preventions”: http://www.prevencii.com/
Zornitsa Staneva
Zinev Art Technologies
Project manager
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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