Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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Good Practices Database

From this section it is possible to access to a review of good practices, available at national level in the nine European countries involved, addressing the bullying phenomenon. The good practices include: ongoing and past projects, educational initiatives, training courses to teachers, informative and awareness raising campaigns, etc.

Each selected good practice has been reviewed and presented according to a common format. The reviews of the selected good practices are organized in the searchable database below. Please notice that the reviews were made in English and in the national languages.

Country in focus: Bulgaria

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it took place

Превенция на противообществените прояви на малолетните и непълнолет Общинската комисия за борба срещу противообществените прояви на малол България National Project
“Prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior in the municipality of Varna - 2007” Municipal committee on prevention of juvenile anti-social behavior – Varna Bulgaria National Project
Училищна програма за превенция на агресивното поведение І – ІV клас Доц. д-р Иванка Бончева – психолог-психотерапевт К. Николова – гл. експер� България National Project
School program for prevention of aggressive behavior – 1st – 4th grade Doc. D-r Ivanka Boncheva – psychologist – psychotherapist K. Nikolova – chief expert, department “Prevention” Bulgaria National Project
„Не” на агресията (в училище) Проектът е орагнизиран и осъществен от учителите по психология и психол България Informative Campaign
„No” to aggression (in school) The project has been organized and implemented by teachers in psychology as well as the school psychologist, with the support of the school administrators and with the participation of all teachers from Vocational high school of forestry and woodworking Bulgaria Informative Campaign
„Училище без насилие” УНИЦЕФ България и Държавна агенция за защита на децата България National Project
“School without violence” UNICEF Bulgaria and State Agency for Child Protection Bulgaria National Project
“Романски надежди”; Ученическият съвет- форма на самоуправление Директор и екип учители от СОУ "Васил Левски", гр. Роман България Other
“Roman hopes”. The school council – a self-government form The school director and a group of teachers at secondary school "Vasil Levski", Roman Bulgaria Other
„Възпитавай ме така и предай нататък” Еквилибриум България и Комплекс за социални услуги за деца и семейства, � България Informative Campaign
“Educate me like this and pass it on” Equilibrium Bulgaria and Complex for social services for children and families, the town of Rousse Bulgaria Informative Campaign
„Заедно срещу дрогата и насилието” ПУ „П.Р. Славейков”, Плевен Сдружение „Нашите деца могат”, Свиленград Н България National Project
„Together against drugs and violence” School for children with special educational needs “P. R. Slaveykov”, Pleven Association “Our children can”, Svilengrad National commission on Национална комисия за бо� Bulgaria National Project
Проект „Училищна Дъга”, който се реализира с: финансовата подкрепа на О СНЦ “АГЕНЦИЯ ЗА РЕГИОНАЛНО ИКОНОМИЧЕСКО РАЗВИТИЕ” – гр. СЛИВЕН Основн България National Project
Project „School rainbow”, which has been implemented with the financial support by the operational program “Human resources development”, co-financed by the European Union through the European... Non profit association “Agency for regional economic development” – city of Sliven Primary school „St. P. Hilendarski”, the village of Sotirya Primary school "Hristo Botev", the village of Samuilovo Primary school „Na Bulgaria National Project
“Виртуално и реално насилие – превенция чрез интерактивно обучение в у Асоциация “Родители” и Фондация “Приложни изследвания и комуникации� България National Project
“Virtual and real violence – prevention through interactive school education” Association “Parents” and Foundation “Applied research and communications” Bulgaria National Project
Кампания «Да спрем насилието в училище» Ученически парламент на 2 Английска езикова гимназия „Томас Джеферсън� България Other
Campaign “Let’s stop violence in school” Students’ parliament at 2 English language school “Thomas Jefferson”, Sofia Bulgaria Other
Проект “Аз избрах – без насилие!” Проектът се реализира от НСНЦ „Инициатива Родопа планина – ХХІ век” в п България National Project
Project “I chose – without violence!” The project is implemented by National non-profit association “Initiative Rodopes – XXI century” in partnership with regional department of the Ministry of internal affairs – Smolyan and is financed by Open Society Institute under prog Bulgaria National Project

I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
