"I Am Not Scared" Project
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“Roman hopes”. The school council – a self-government form
Students’ council, campaign, territory, violence
research and information campaign project “The school – a territory of the student”
Students, teachers, parents
The school director and a group of teachers at secondary school "Vasil Levski", Roman
Parents, Teachers, Young People, School Directors.
The students’ council at secondary school “Vasil Levski” was formed during school year 2007/2008 as a part of a successful awarded project “Roman hopes” under national program “The school - a territory for the student” and for a fourth consecutive year works successfully with groups of enthusiastic young people, teachers, supporting their initiatives and parents. The successful projects are continued, they are further developed and modified, while the new ones are monitored and defended with practices.
* The project “Student on duty” (modified and implemented for a third consecutive year) has the following format for 2010/2011:
- Out of each high school class - a total of 8 classes – the teachers select three students who become “students on duty”. A total of 24 students are on duty in the school each week following a strict agenda, together with teachers on duty. Each school day in the school there are 5 students on duty monitoring the order and discipline, supporting the younger students and the teachers. After the end of the duty-period each day they report to the chairperson of the committee in ethics and discipline with the students’ council, or in case of absence of the latter, to the chairperson of the students’ council him/herself;
- Together with the pedagogic advisor were developed insignia – badges, which specify the function of the “student on duty”. Each badge carries information on the Ministry of education, youth and science, the secondary school “Vasil Levski” Roman as well as the words “SCHOOL COUNCIL” and “STUDENT ON DUTY”.
- Current observations of the behavior of the students in the school are usually periodically joined by a student on duty and a protocol is filed in. This protocol includes the following sections: “who, where, how and what is happening”, “behavior during the check”, “consequences”, “signals for cases of violence and harassment”.
The chairperson of the students’ council and the chairperson of the committee in ethics and discipline also attend the sittings of the school committee for prevention of antisocial behavior of students in school, when certain student activities are discussed.
- During the end of the school year will be nominated the most active student on duty and he will be awarded as a “Student on duty for school year 2010/2011”.
The students are eager to join the duty teams. They are well accepted and successfully implement their tasks as students on duty within the school environment. In time some of them get bored and they are ready to quit. This is why each year there are some changes in the teams.
Definition of bullying or cyberbullying, Detection protocol, Intervention protocol, Help-line/counseling, Parent training/meetings, Playground supervision, Disciplinary methods, Classroom rules, Peer support.
The good practice is connected with defining violence (when such is present) by the students themselves, specification of what exactly happened, again by the students themselves, what measures they took to prevent it and how and what pieces of advice they gave to the victimized classmates. The students participate with motivated proposals for disciplinary punishments for the perpetrators. pages
For the next year we have an idea to include also students from the 5th and the 6th grades – one from each class – helping the class-teacher.
None specified.
Project team
Secondary school „Vasil Levski” - Roman
Support and coordination
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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