"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Peer education in high schools in Lombardy
Empowered peer education, change of perspective, self-assessment, self-knowledge
National Project
High school students and teachers
Representatives of health education Dept of high school Bertacchi and Maria Ausiliatrice in the province of Lecco and the Provincial Education Office, local operators of the National Health Service of Lecco
Parents, Teachers, Young People.
The project proposes a shift in the relationship adult-children: from adult experts into adult counselors and facilitators of processes; from teenagers recipients of the intervention or trained to lead the intervention to young designers and independent filmmakers in their initiatives. Teenagers actually become a primary focus of the conception, design, implementation and evaluation of initiatives to promote their psychological, relational and environmental well-being, at school and in the territory, gaining confidence and awareness in their ability to act.
The training encouraged the socialization within the group which has achieved greater awareness of its body and ability to express themselves through it. The training has enabled them to cope with complex themes and issues, facilitating contact with their emotions and affection, and has allowed them to address and solve difficult situations in a flexible and creative way, fostering communication, listening and communication .
Cooperative group work, Peer support, Intensity teachers (10 h. or more), Intensity children (20 h or more).
The empowered peer education, by virtue of the effectual central role played by the teenagers in each stage of the educational process, has engaged the interest of students from the beginning. The training enabled the peer leaders to express their feelings and emotional experiences, to test the impact of role expectations on individual behavior within a group, to train participants to run the group itself and allow each children to understand different ways of perceiving themselves or be perceived by others. pages
Project team
don Milani
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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