Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Direct bullying
Indirect bullying


Ethnic-cultural differences

Case Studies

This section provides access to a selection of Case Studies on School Bullying which have been analysed in the nine partner countries. Each case study analyses specific aspects of the personal experience of the actors involved in a bullying event: victims, bully students, other students, teachers, school directors, parents of the students involved, supporting experts, policy makers. Every case study is available both in English and in the national language.

Country in focus: Lithuania

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Case Studies Description

Ginčas peraugęs į muštynes Lithuanian 06.02.2012
Muštynės dėl apkalbų Lithuanian 12.01.2012
Bullying because of provoking appearance English 30.12.2011
Bullied because of having talents English 30.12.2011
A boy seeking for trouble English 30.12.2011
Lack of self-confidence English 29.12.2011
Physical violence used because of the splash with water English 28.12.2011
Dvynių nesutarimai Lithuanian 27.12.2011
Twins' disputes English 27.12.2011
A song with swear words English 12.12.2011
Susistumdymas dėl aptaškymo balos vandeniu Lithuanian 05.12.2011
Offensive content message sent to 8 friends English 02.12.2011
Teenage pregnancy English 01.12.2011
Vaikinas ieškantis problemų Lithuanian 24.11.2011
Paauglės nėštumas ir patyčios Lithuanian 24.11.2011
Mergaitė, kuri neturi bendravimo įgūdžių Lithuanian 21.11.2011
Students don't like sneaks English 16.11.2011
Tyčiojasi, nes nepasitiki savimi Lithuanian 15.11.2011
Mokiniai nemėgsta skundikų Lithuanian 15.11.2011
Talentai sukelia pavydą Lithuanian 09.11.2011
Tyli naujokė: ryškus makiažas ir iššaukiantys drabužiai Lithuanian 09.11.2011
Konfliktas peraugęs į muštynes Lithuanian 04.11.2011
Įžeidžianti žinutė Lithuanian 04.11.2011
Sukurta pašiepianti daina su keiksmažodžiais Lithuanian 04.11.2011

I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2025 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
