Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This material reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Good Practices Database

From this section it is possible to access to a review of good practices, available at national level in the nine European countries involved, addressing the bullying phenomenon. The good practices include: ongoing and past projects, educational initiatives, training courses to teachers, informative and awareness raising campaigns, etc.

Each selected good practice has been reviewed and presented according to a common format. The reviews of the selected good practices are organized in the searchable database below. Please notice that the reviews were made in English and in the national languages.

Country in focus: Spain

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Document Title

Country where
it took place

“Convivencia escolar: que es y cómo abordarla” (programa educativo entre compañeros y compañeras) Andalucía España National Project
'School coexistence: what is it and how to approach it (educational program between boys and girls) Andalusia Spain National Project
Plan for prevention and treatment of conflicts (materials for their implementation in a secondary school) Navarra Spain Transnational Project
“Plan de prevención y tratamiento de conflictos” (materiales para su puesta en marcha en un centro de secundaria) Navarra España National Project
“Guía de actuación en los centros educativos ante el maltrato entre iguales” Euskadi España Other
Action guide on schools agaisnt peer violence Euskadi Spain Other
“Plan PREVI” (Plan de Prevención de la Violencia y Promoción de la Convivencia en los centros escolares de la comunidad Valenciana) Comunidad Valenciana España National Project
"PREVI Plan"(Plan for the Prevention of Violence and Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence in schools in the Valencia Region Comunidad Valenciana Spain National Project
“Maltrato entre iguais” programa de sensibilización sobre o maltrato entre iguais Galicia España Informative Campaign
'School bullying' awareness program about school bullying Galicia Spain Informative Campaign
“La actuación ante el maltrato entre iguales en el centro educativo” Madrid España Training Course for Teachers
“Proyecto de convivencia y éxito educativo” Cataluña España National Project
Coexistence Project and educational success Cataluña Spain National Project
'Actions against bullying in school' Madrid Spain Training Course for Teachers
“Maltrato Cero” Asturias España Informative Campaign
Zero abuse Asturias Spain Informative Campaign
“Guía maltrato entre iguales” Extremadura España Informative Campaign
'Guide about school bullying' Extremadura Spain Informative Campaign
“Anti-Bullying” (línea de ayuda contra el acoso escolar) La Rioja y Madrid España National Project
"Anti-Bullying" (help line against bullying) La Rioja and Madrid Spain National Project

I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
