"I Am Not Scared" Project
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Publications Database
Document Title |
Author |
Document language |
Reviews language |
A National Approach to Anti-bullying for Scotland's Children and Young People | The Scottish Government | English | English |
Acting against school bullying and violence - The role of media, local authorities and the internet | Roasario Ortega, Joaquin A. Mora-Merchan and Thomas Jager | English | English |
Anti-bullying Alliance | Anti-bullying Alliance | English | English |
Be Someone to Tell | Parentlineplus | English | English |
Best Practices for Preventing or Reducing Bullying in Schools | Kathryn S. Whitted and David R Dupper | English | English |
Bullies Out | Bullies Out | English | English |
Bullying | Directgov | English | English |
Bullying - Don't Suffer in Silence - an anti-bullying pack for schools | Professor Peter Smith (Goldmith's College, University of London) | English | English |
Bullying and disability | National Childrens Bureau | English | English |
Bullying at School | Dan Olweus | English | English |
Bullying at School and online | education.com | English | English |
Bullying in Schools - How successful can interventions be? | Edited by Peter K Smith, Debra Pepler and Ken Rigby | English | English |
Bullying Involving Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities | Department for Children Schools and Families | English | English |
Bullying Prevention for Schools - A Step-by-Step Guide to implementing a Successful Anti-bullying program | Allan L. Beane PHD | English | English |
Bullying Prevention: Nature and Extent of Bullying in Canada | National Crime Prevention Centre | English | English |
Bystanders and bullying - A Summary of Research for Anti-bullying Week | Anti Bullying Alliance | English | English |
Childline | Childline | English | English |
Crying for Help - a No Blame Approach | George Robinson & Barbara Maines | English | English |
Cyber Bullying UK | Bullying UK | English | English |
Cyber Training | Centre for Educational Research (zepf), University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany);Infoart, Plovdiv (Bulgaria);Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. University of Seville (Spain); Anti-Bullying Centre, School of Education, Trinity College Du | English | English |
Cyberbullying - Approaches in Europe | Helen Cowie and Pat Colliety | English | English |
Cyberbullying and E-Safety - What Educators and Other Professionals Need to Know | Adrienne Katz | English | English |
Dealing With Bullying | TeensHealth | English | English |
Derbyshire Anti-bullying Committment (ABC) | Derbyshire County Council | English | English |
Effectiveness of Programmes to Reduce School Bullying | Maria M. Ttofi, David P. Farrington and Anna C. Baldry | English | English |
Homophobic bullying | Stonewall and Educational Action Challenging Homophobia(EACH) | English | English |
How can schools best support pupils showing bullying behaviours | Anti-bullying Alliance | English | English |
How do they do it - anti-bullying in Norway | Teachers TV | English | English |
Manual of Best Practices for Combating and Preventing Bullying at Educational Centres | Visionary | English | English |
National Anti-bullying Week | Anti-bullying Alliance | English | English |
Olweus Bullying Prevention Programms | Hazeldon Foundation | English | English |
Prevention and response to identity-based bullying among local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales | Neil Tippett, Catherine Houlston, Peter K. Smith Unit for School and Family Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London | English | English |
Racist Bullying | Department for Education | English | English |
Respecting Others: Anti-bullying Guidance | National Assembly for Wales | English | English |
Respectme | The Scottish Government | English | English |
Restorative Approaches and Practices | The National Centre for Restorative Approaches in Youth Settings | English | English |
Safe from Bullying - Guidance for local authorities and other strategic leaders on reducing bullying in the community | Department for Children, Schools and Families | English | English |
Safe to Learn: Embedding anti-bullying work in schools | Teachernet | English | English |
School Bullying | Alana James | English | English |
School Bullying and Violence | Visionary | English | English |
School-Based Programs to Reduce Bullying and Victimization | David P.Farrington, Maria M. Ttofi | English | English |
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for secondary schools | Department for Education | English | English |
Stonewall - The School Report - The experiences of young gay people in Britain's Schools | Ruth Hunt and Johan Jensen | English | English |
Tackling bullying, using evidence, learning lessons | Research by Mark Rickinson, Lisa Batch, Laura Bell, Viv Blinco, Debbie Brundrett, Bev Chapman, Susie Edwards, Teresa Johnson, Alison Perkins, Debbie Russell-Dudley, Pat Scott, Janet Waters, | English | English |
The Essex Cybersurvey | Youthworks Consulting Ltd - Adrienne Katz & Catherine Dillon | English | English |
The Teacher's Report - Homophobic bullying in Britain's schools | April Guasp | English | English |
The Use and Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Strategies in Schools | Fran Thompson and Peter K Smith | English | English |
Thinkuknow | CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre | English | English |
Tools for Schools | Anti-bullying Alliance | English | English |
Understanding Bullying and Victimization During Childhood and Adolescence: A Mixed Methods Study | Nancy G. Guerra, Kirk R. Williams, and Shelly Sadek | English | English |
Which Way Now? - A Progress Report on Action Against Bullying in Scottish Schools | Andrew Mellor | English | English |
I Am Not Scared Project
Copyright 2024 - This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
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